
Talk Radio

Talk Radio

I‘ve been doing talk radio for about four years. In an astounding display of lack of imagination, I call my talk show In Other Words… As the name implies, I give a unique slant to whatever we happen to be talking about.

It was originally a show about business and entrepreneurship. But the name In Other Words… gives me a lot of latitude, so now I talk about anything I find interesting and think my listeners will, too.


Just as my writing is very conversational and casual, so is my talk show. We have fun. Click here to go to a demo of my show. Or visit www.pwnradio.net to play any of my archived shows. Word of warning: I am currently part of a network of show, so you’ll see more shows than just mine. But just scroll through the archives to find mine.

I will be off air for October and possibly November while my producer and I give it a little bit of a facelift. Watch Facebook, LinkedIn, and Twitter for updates. Or opt in to my mailing list and the information will come right to your Inbox, along with weekly updates about my latest podcast.

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